Professional Website Copywriting Services

Communicate Brand Values. Pique Customers’ Interest. Boost Conversions.

Copy is the backbone of your website.

It brings your ideas, products, services, and visual components to life. Without the right copy, selling your unique value is impossible. You need a team of copywriters and SEO strategists who understand the fundamental values engrained in your organization – and how to convey them.

E2M’s time-tested copywriting process is designed to get to the core of your brand. Our expert copywriters have written thousands of webpages for a variety of industries. We know what it takes to target the right customers and turn their interest into revenue.

Why Your Website’s Copy Matters?

What is it that converts a lead into a loyal customer?

Relatability. Trust. Value.

Strong web copy is the key to establishing these sales components. Copy is what puts the color scheme, images, and navigation of your website in motion. You need strong headlines, body copy, and CTAs to convey your unique selling proposition and guide visitors through your sales funnel.

Why Choose E2M for Website Copywriting?

There’s a lot more to great website copy than what meets the eye.

Creativity is useless without the right process. We’ve spent years fine-tuning our writing approach to light a fire under your visitors. E2M’s roster of copywriters have developed a fool-proof plan to understand your brand personality, values, target customers, and how to bring it all to life.

No matter what industry you come from, we’ve got the know-how to create copy that attracts visitors – and turn them into money signs!

The E2M Website Copywriting Process

We don’t hold anything back in understanding, planning, and executing your website copywriting project to
the fullest extent. Here’s how we do it:


The Initial Introduction

All E2M projects begin with a friendly conversation. The first step in an E2M copywriting project is getting to know the players. This is when we’ll agree on workflows, expectations, exchange content information, and set the precedent for how the project will play out.


The Brief

We need to understand what makes your brand tick. Our copywriting team will send you a battle-tested 15-point questionnaire to lay the foundation for this project. This includes:

  • Brand voice
  • Values
  • Target customers
  • Current challenges
  • Seo
  • Goals
  • Inspiration

Without this brief, we’re essentially taking shots in the dark. Your answers to this questionnaire are the blueprint for every sentence written on the website.


Let’s Get to Know Each Other

We believe the best copy comes with a personal connection to our clients. If we don’t know you, we can’t write copy that reflects your brand’s personality and goals. We start every website copywriting project by discussing how to use writing to bring your business to the next level. We’ll also clear up any questions we have about the brief.


Understand Your Customers

Web copy can only be successful if it appeals to the right type of customer – which is why we spend time getting to understand your current clients, dream clients, and undesirable ones. This helps us to better appeal to your target customers in a meaningful way.


Writers Get Writing

It’s time for fingers to hit the keyboard. We’ll begin with the big-ticket items like your homepage, “About Us,” and “Service” pages. As we get the ball rolling, we’ll ask for feedback VERY frequently to ensure you’re happy with the result. Once we’ve got a strong handle on the copy you love – the rest is smooth sailing!



At E2M Solutions, we pride ourselves on delivering impeccable copy. Each page goes through a rigorous process of editing, SEO tweaks, and perfecting before it makes it to your desk.



We give each page of copy two revisions. This is your chance to voice every thought about the text, both the good and the bad. We’ll go through the entire piece with you line-by-line to ensure that you’re happy.


Keep You in the Loop

Our goal is to always keep the client involved in website copy development. We strive to be totally transparent and will share Google spreadsheets and updated tasks on a daily basis. Nothing gets done without your knowledge and approval – and we’re always available to chat about concerns or answer questions.


Wrapping Up the Copy

This is the last step before the web page goes live. We confirm any of your last-minute questions and ensure that everything is 100 percent ready to go. Our team will make a final sweep to see that everything has been delivered and approved.


The Final Product

We did it! After your web pages go live, we’ll discuss how the project went. This is your opportunity to provide feedback – and our opportunity to keep growing.

Experience Writing in Many Industries

We write killer copy that converts. Our writing services will turn your website into a tool that garners more interest and revenue
– all with the use of expert writing, SEO planning, and execution.

Here are some of the industries we’ve written website copy in:

Martial arts
Senior living


Are E2M’s copywriters US-based?

Yes. E2M’s copywriters and editors are based in the United States. All pieces of website copy are written/edited by native speakers.

Are E2M’s copywriters versed in SEO?

Yes. SEO is a key aspect in how we train copywriters at E2M. Our writers work closely with our SEO team throughout the entirety of each project.

Can I start a project slow to be sure I like the writing?

Absolutely. We like to start every website copywriting project by submitting the first couple pages (homepage and About Us) piece-by-piece to ensure you are getting the copy you want.

How long should a page of website copy be?

There isn’t a definitive answer to this. It all depends on how much information you want to have on the page. Generally, we’ve found the sweet spot to be 300-500 words per page.

What is the turnaround time for a page of website copy?

Depending on the length, you can typically expect a page of copy to be completed/submitted with a day turnaround or less. If there are any delays, we’ll keep you in the loop.

How many revisions do I get?

You get two revisions for each page. If you need more, we might need to revisit the brief.

Website Copywriting Case Studies

See some of our previous work writing website copy!

Give us a shout to set up a meeting to learn more about our website copywriting services.

Get in contact directly with Kevin, Chief Content Strategist – [email protected]

Khushbu Get in touch

Hi, Khushbu here

Let’s connect and see how we can help you scale your
marketing strategy with our stellar Content Writing services.

Book a time on my calendar and you will receive
a calendar invite along with Zoom meeting details.

Or send me an email at
[email protected]

Or send me an email at
[email protected]