Personal Branding & Storytelling with Long Form Content – with Mary Adkins

Welcome back Scopers! We’ve got a slight change of pace on this podcast. In this one, I welcome a published author and writing coach to talk about long-form content.

Mary Adkins and I chat about personal branding and how to do it right using long-form content – whether it be a memoir, autobiography, or inspirational story. When we look at some of the biggest businesses in the world, it’s easy to pair a face to it. Apple and Steve Jobs; Tesla and Elon Musk; Amazon and Jeff Bezos, etc. A lot of this has to do with personal branding.

In this podcast, Mary gives us some excellent insight on how to approach personal branding from a writing perspective.

We start the show by chatting about the importance of long-form content, the biggest misconceptions about producing it, and we share some of our favorite examples.
Mary talks about some of the early mistakes she sees in the writing/personal branding process – and how to set yourself up for success. The convo shifts to outsourcing – and Mary gives us her take on what to look for in the perfect writer. From the writer’s perspective, we talk about what makes the perfect client.

After a short intermission, we get right back into the nuts and bolts of long-form content and personal branding. Mary elaborates on the process involved, setting goals, and the common points of resistance to be wary of.

We then get to hear about Mary’s Four Notebook Method – and understanding when exactly a piece of content is truly complete. For more information on Mary’s program, apply for The Book Incubator.

If you’re looking to expand your personal brand with a memoir or autobiography – or just write a book in general – this episode is a must-listen!
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